Meet the Founder

Hi! I'm Mandy!


My Mission Statement:

  • Empowering female entrepreneurs to have a strong financial understanding so they can run their business and their life on their own terms.

My Values

  • Balance

  • Trust

  • Simplicity

  • Accountability

  • Authenticity

Meet the Founder of Elevating Profits

Mandy McGowan

Our Mission Statement:

  • Empowering businesses to achieve sustainable growth through strategic financial management and expert guidance.

My Values

  • Accountability

  • Integrity

  • Collaboration

  • Empowerment

  • Innovation

My Values Defined


We believe that life/work balance is crucial. We want to make sure our clients are building a business that allows them to put their life first.


Honest and open-book policy are key to educating and collaborating with our clients. Trust us to guide you in the right direction. Trust yourself to be vulnerable enough to let us get you there.


Finances don't have to be complicated. We focus on teaching the key components so our clients can make better financial decisions and help them establish a routine that's easy to maintain.


We are ready and willing to get to work; to help our clients master their financial foundation. We want them to own where they're at and be willing to take the steps necessary to push their business forward.


We want our clients to show up as they are and know that we are here for them no matter where that might be. In turn, we promise to stay true to our mission and be direct in our guidance.

Well hello there.

I see I have piqued your interest enough to make you say who the heck is that Mandy lady…I have been an entrepreneur for just about as long as I have been an adult.

I spent much of my time working in the accounting and tax industry and gained a wealth of knowledge and skills that have helped me truly manage the financial aspects of business and life. I get entrepreneur finance because I am an entrepreneur. I understand that a bad month in business usually means a bad month in personal finance also.

Our income fluctuates, it is never guaranteed, and we hustle every damn day to earn our money. Which makes any sort of financial goal a little more difficult. I have been an entrepreneur with a wildly successful business but I was broke.

I have been an entrepreneur who didn’t know how I was going to feed my kids at the end of the day, standing in line at the grocery store, praying the electric bill hadn’t cleared yet so I could buy groceries… because feeding my kids was more important than having lights on at night.

I am an entrepreneur who knows the importance of budgeting and planning and saving and doing it all in a way that doesn’t make me want to run and hide or make me feel like I CAN’T do the things I want to. I geek out with spreadsheets and finance and numbers and money.

I love sharing my geekiness in a way that allows you to ‘get it’ and how it will work for you. It isn’t one size fits all when you are an entrepreneur, so helping you find the way that works for you is my goal. So now that you know more about me, reach out and say hi!

--------- What we do ----------

Our Services


Gain confidence in your financial skills and create systems and structure around finance that has helped them excel in their businesses forward in a way they never had before.


Monthly CFO Working

Email support

Private Facebook group

Financially Focused Journal

1:1 monthly coaching


We work one-on-one with our clients to navigate, understand and be intentional about the profits in their businesses and paying themselves.

Blending mindset work and logistical financial trainings and skills to help them get to a point where our clients ''get it''.

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